Sore after being ‘touched’

I mentioned briefly last week that I was asked to play Touch Football (tag) with some of my crew here.  I haven’t played football since high school and I was horrible at it back then.

I consider myself to be in pretty good shape.  I go for a run once a week, I’m swimming 3 times a week, walking a bunch but holy cow did I pull up sore this morning from touch football last night.  I’m going to put it down to the sprinting and start stop which I’m not used to doing.

The only positive to take away is that it is a ‘good’ sore.

This afternoon I’ll finish up writing about Alex’s first threesome, hopefully I’ll be able to post it for you guys tomorrow.

Anyone want to come around and give my legs, thighs and butt a massage?  Happy ending expected of course.

Speedo MateSwim Team in Speedos

1 User Responded in " Sore after being ‘touched’ "

Mike said,  

Some great guys in the pics. I really fancy the guy sitting down in the first pic.
Rick, do you still read these blogs, last time you commented you were off to Lanzarote. How did it go, did you get all you wanted.

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