Speedo Students Movies

How many of you guys remember the Hawaii Speedo Student?

I haven’t heard much about him lately and I hope he is doing great.

This morning while in bed, when I was just about to jerk off for some random reason I was thinking about him.  I kept thinking about him and within minutes I had to shower to clean up the mess.

There is a site which has all of his movies.  He made one professional movie which is 3 or 4 scenes and there is a bunch of amateur scenes that he filmed himself.  You can download them all for $1 over on the site SpeedoLads.com.

Speedo StudentSpeedo Student having gay sex

2 Users Responded in " Speedo Students Movies "

vasy said,  


Darren said,  

Yes Dave I remember him well, and as you say it is easy to jerk off thinking about him, he has one very nice cock.

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