10 Places to Have Sex Before You Die

I’ve been working all day – very boring but in the background on TV is a doco on big Ferris Wheels.  There is a bunch on there about the London Eye, which I’ve seen but didn’t ride. 

Anyways – it got me thinking if anyone has had sex on it.  I understand there are cameras in all the pods but it would nearly be worth it right?

I tried googling for it but didn’t find much but I did find a facebook group listing 10 places you should have sex before you die.

This list was as follows……

  1. In front of a video camera
  2. On the London Eye
  3. Partners parents bedroom
  4. In the car (during heavy traffic)
  5. Aeroplace
  6. Public train
  7. On your office desk
  8. In the ocean
  9. In the woods at night
  10. On a trampoline

I really like the idea of that last one!!!  I supposed I’ve done number 1, I’ve had sex in my parents bedroom, done the car one, my office desk is my kitchen table so I can pick that off.  I’ve masturbated in a plane but not sex yet.  In the woods and in the ocean are done as well.  And I’ve had sex a few times in gondolas.

I think we can come up with a better list though.  Post your suggestions and I’ll make up a more fun list over the weekend.

5 Users Responded in " 10 Places to Have Sex Before You Die "

raulito said,  

I think this one is pretty wild. I actually had sex right at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Yeap, cruised a guy and we did it on the stairs…it wasn’t a busy day, cold and dreary so there weren’t too many tourists and they don’t take the stairs anyhow. We went down a few flights and sucked each other off.
Wild, right?


beachie1 said,  

mon dieu!!!!!

beerdoc_colorado said,  

4,7,9 in gondola also (similar to the london eye I suppose but w/out cameras)
#4 is the long drive back from the ski slopes and the horrific traffic jams. Thats why i now ski on weekdays. In fact i understand some ski areas might open for Memorial Day (may 30) since we are still getting snow.

DeepKisser said,  

On a beach, both in the sunlight, and the moonlight seems like they should be on the list.

Dave Evans said,  


You are talking of the legendary Sunday I-70 jam hey? I’ve never experienced it but Kip tells me never to book a flight on a Sunday afternoon.

One of the Aspen resorts is opening for Memorial Day right – I’ve never boarded over there at all.

DeepKisser – I’m with you on the beach – has to be on the list.


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