6 thoughts on “Alex’s Black AussieBums

  1. Wow! What a hot ‘rear-view’ of an awesome ass in a pair of tight black speedos (pic 1). Love the tightness, highlighted by the wet speedo. The guy is nicely defined as well.

    Here’s hoping the Speedo Corporation DOESN’T catch up with you on the Central Coast! Not sure what we’d do without all the hot pics you keep posting here, Dave!

  2. All these guys have great asses. Been catching up on the blog as I have been away for a couple of weeks. Pete 25, I have registered with “ichatalot” and look forward to catching up with you.

  3. Darren – I was in the public room and you were in the private room. I missed you. Sorry. I thought if you saw my name there you would contact me. Guess this is not going to work.

  4. You have any suggestions? That chat room seems to be an issue. I could create a Hotmail e-mail if you think it is worth trying.

  5. Nice views in the black trunks. Maybe you could persuade Alex to pose for some photos so we’d all be able to see his great body?

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