5 thoughts on “I know you’re Aussie Speedo Guy

  1. why is a “straight” boy reading this blog?

    I’m assuming “Alex” will get what he wants hehehehe

  2. Agree with Drew – a “str8” boy reading the blog would be unusual, though probably not unknown. Hopefully he’ll do the right thing and keep the secret and keep a mate in the process.
    If the guy in the photos looks like Alex, he’s an attractive bloke!

  3. Drew and Ste,

    Interesting point that a str8 guy has read my blog. And he has read it enuf to know who I am and that I like girls too.

    I probably won’t see him until Wednesday at the pool so we’ll see what happens.


  4. Nice story,
    I am sure any person who will read enough of this blog has some bi side or at least great fetish about Speedos. Most of the straight guys I know are so homophobic that they will be afraid just to look and read your blog (if they hit it by mistake.) xo-xo-xo

  5. Hi Dave,

    It is probably just as well that he knows about your blogs. You don’t have any secrets you are keeping from him. With any luck he has a secret desire he is keeping from you, but maybe he just likes Speedos on guys too.

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