Wow today is looking perfect, blue sky, not too hot and I’ve got a Speedo Pool Party to go to.
Thanks for all your comments on yesterday’s post about which speedos to wear. I listen to you guys so I’m going to wear my red Arena speedos but I’m also going to take a pair of my white DE Swimwear for later or I’ll give them away who ever wants to take them off me.
I’ll be wearing a cock ring that I have as well – it lifts by balls and gives me a better looking package when I’m on the slack – hehehe.
Here is some red speedo eye candy for you guys – hope you are having a good weekend as well.
good idea….i was wondering if it could be a speedo swap! maybe someone would want the DE suit and swap with you. have fun. red is soo chic
Thanks for the eye candy – hope there are lots of hunks at the party!
Sorry I missed your on line voting Dave but I too would have voted for the red Arena’s. It was a hard decision because they all looked great. Hope the party was a big success and you were able to give away your white DE speedos to a willing speedo wearer who hopefully is jerking off in them right now in memory of you;-)