Condom Ban Lifted?

I have a 100%, black and white, no excuses policy when it comes to safe sex.

One of my favourite sayings is…

“It’s like a condom, better to have one and not need it, than to need it and not have it.”

I have been in the unfortunate position where I haven’t had a condom and have just had to live with oral sex – ow darn I hate it when I’m put out like that.

Some of my friends feel the same way, some don’t and it often shocks me the position they put themselves in.

This ‘concept’ of safe sex wasn’t drilled into me by anyone.  My parents never gave me the ‘birds and bees’ talk, I’ve never really discussed sex with my folks and my first handful of sexual experiences weren’t long term things where subjects like this are developed over time.  It just made sense to me and condoms are readily available and not very expensive.

Today Pope Benedict, in his infinite wisdom, has hinted and ‘lifting his ban’ on condom use….. with male prostitutes to start with in order to reduce the risk of spreading HIV.

I’m sure the catholic male prosititutes of the word are waiting for this ‘ban’ to be lifted so they can drop by their local drug store and pick up some rubbers before work.  Does that make any sense?  No sex before marriage and no marriage between anyone who isn’t a man and a woman.  I’m pretty sure there are a few more steps that could be taken by the catholic church but it is nice to see them having a think about leaving the dark ages and joining the rest of us here in the 21st century.

Bit of a rant of a post and I promise I’ll post some more speedo pics tomorrow – actually tomorrow I have to spend about 8 hrs adding new movies to the database so I’ll make sure I share some screen shots with you guys.

9 Users Responded in " Condom Ban Lifted? "

Chispeedoguy said,  

I think he only went so far as to protect his priests. (This coming from someone raised catholic)

GayFlirter said,  

Let my ignorance start – why do you even need condoms for anal sex anyway? School has only ever taught of regular sex…

swimmerboy said,  

Don’t worry about the rant, Dave- it’s always interesting to hear what you’re thinking about, even when it’s not speedos. 😉
And GayFlirter- condoms are always important to prevent the spread of STD’s, especially AIDS. It doesn’t matter if its gay or straight sex, it’s always a good idea to stay protected.

Dave Evans said,  


Cheers for the comment mate – I’m never quite sure how my ‘rants’ are going to be taken.

There are just sooooo many hipocracies in the media statement/release that I just had to get some of them off my chest.


redheaded_aquaman said,  

Yes, because only the right sex is between a married husband and wife for the sanctioned purpose of creating more spawn. Said spawn are required to be indoctrinated into Sky Fairy Club Rome so as to be fulfill their true purpose of becoming bankable, guaranteed revenue generating units to further the financial viability of Sky Fairy Club Rome (or any Sky Fairy Club of one’s choosing).

CanberraSpeedo said,  

So the Pope is lifting the ban on condoms so Catholic women can have safe sex with male prostitutes?

I was raised Catholic, but it’s stuff like this that led me to abandon it as soon as high school was over.

The real benefit of this will be to prevent transmission of HIV between heterosexual Catholic couples where one contracts HIV before or after their marriage (assuming of course they’re the type of Catholics who follow the “rules” to the letter in lieu of common sense).

beachboy said,  

I always question myself:

How safe is oral sex, really?

How do you guys feel about it? I would really like to know your ideas.

Dave Evans said,  


I understand where you are coming from mate – there are definitely STD’s you can catch from oral sex. I’ve heard of guys who wear ‘protection’ during oral sex although I’ve never experienced that myself.

I suppose there is a risk of catching something from kissing as well.


Jim said,  

@beachboy @daveevans

I once had a HIV test at sexual health clinic in London and the doctor explained the risks of oral sex like this “the risk of contracting HIV through unprotected anal sex is something like 0.001%, its a lot less likely than you think. And as for the risk of contracting it through oral sex… you can add in 10 more zeros!”

Another sexual health professional in Melbourne once told me that the statistics on getting HIV from oral sex are a bit of grey area. There is a tiny amount of men who claim to have acquired HIV through only receiving oral sex, however it is quietly believed that these men lied about their actual behaviour and most likely received it through anal sex but for whatever reason lied about it (closeted, religion, masculinity etc.)

For what its worth, I could name 100 people I know (male & female, gay & straight) who have sucked a lot of dick and are all HIV free. 🙂 I personally think if you could get HIV from sucking dick alone, then 99% of gay men would be HIV positive and this is simply not the case. The few people I know who are HIV positive are all well aware of when/how/why they got it and it almost always involves excessive alcohol use and that one stupid moment when they let someone fuck them without a condom.

Seriously fellas, use condoms when fucking, or you’re a bloody idiot. 😉

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