61 thoughts on “My Speedo Tan

  1. Ooh, yeah! Me too, even though it’s rubbish weather here in the UK for getting a speedo tan

  2. That is a great speedo tan and that thong he is wearing is holding a good package. I wish he was on the beach beside me, although I would not be wearing anything to top up my all over tan and would probably have a good hard on.

  3. Darren mentioned wearing a c-ring for 3 days in a previous post. I am just curious what kind it was as I have never been able to wear one for even a whole day. So Darren if you are willing to share I would like to know. Thanks man.

  4. Pete, I don’t buy the real cock ring, they are expensive and perhaps they are uncomfortable. I went to the local hardware store and bought what are called O rings. They are made of hard rubber and come in various diameters. I bought some 60mm in diameter which go round my cock and balls securely, and have not slipped off, but are not uncomfortable. You can fuck and be fucked wearing one. Be interested to know how you get on.

  5. Pete, make sure you buy the thick rubber O rings, if you buy the thinner ones and they fit on to your cock tightly or you get a hard on which I am sure you will they may will cut into you cock and balls and will be uncomfortable. (It seems right that you use plumbing accessories as a cock ring as it supports a liquid container and a pipe that moves liquid from one place to another).

  6. Thanks for the further advice. Now I have to find a hardware store as they have mostly disappeared in this area. Might have to try Home Depot or Lowe’s.
    Yes, the plumbing analogy is right on. My wheels are in the shop so it may be a few days before I can go adventuring. 🙂

  7. Pete, now worn my C ring for 10 days without taking it of other than shave down there and it is so comfortable. I guess I have cum 20 times or more in that time and my fuck buddy Will has had his cock up my ass at least 2 times and me him. Let me know how you get on with the C ring Pete when you get it. We can compare experiences.

  8. Hopefully will get my wheels back this week and can go ashopping–will keep you posted.

  9. I am also a fan of wearing cock rings on a rather long term regular basis.. I do a lot of biking and the cock ring takes the place of a jock to keep my balls out from between my legs…and when wearing tight pants they help your bulge….I also love getting a quick pull sensation at various times during the day….I wish the pull sensation was coming from another guy pulling on my cock…but the c ring reminds me of friends…if you have a string on your speedo, try running it through the cock ring. That is a real turn on..

  10. Walt, the string on the speedo running through the cock ring sounds a good idea, I must try it. I wish more of the comments on this blog page would include more personal experiences, it would make better reading. I always get a hard on when I read other guys experiences.

  11. Although I read the this blog I do not comment regularly, but it strikes me that most comments are on entries where there is a guy with brief speedos with some action going on inside them or them coming off. It is great to see your readers Dave having a dialogue. Reading this lot of comments gives me a hard and I feel so horny. Come on Dave do what some of your readers suggest, let us have some personal detail on you, how big is your cock, do you shave it?

  12. Mike,

    Thanks for your comments, I love the feedback and I read every single comment ever posted here.

    Personal detail on me, I’m average hung, cut and ALWAYS shaved.


  13. Another great turn on for me is to run a loop of string around the cock ring and then loop it around the button on your jeans or pants..Adjust the length for the various pants ….This acts like a jock and keeps your cock out of the way when exercising and when not exercising it really adds to your bulge.. A good bulge is a view I always like on guys… More guys seem to be wearing cock rings, shaving and improving their looks…Gals wear bras…so why shouldn’t we also go for better looks…

  14. Walt, I agree, a cock ring pulls your balls forward and is much more comfortable when exercising.

  15. I’m with Mike. Great dialogue. Nothing much to say except when it comes to Speedos, the briefer the better in my book. I think there’s an art in wearing them tight and low. Not much art in getting a hard on though…

  16. Eric I am with you and Mike. Speedos only need to be big enough to cover nearly everything. There is nothing wrong with showing a bit of crease at the back.

  17. Pete25, how are you getting on with getting your cock ring. I have now worn one 24/7 for nearly 14 days.

  18. Getting my wheels back today – then will go ashopping. Will let you know how I make out IF I make out. 🙂

  19. Looks as if I am out of luck with the O rings as they only had packages of numerous sizes and the largest would be just about right for a head ring. Guess your area has more call for bigger rings. 🙂 No problem one can learn to improvise.

  20. Pete 25, try a smaller store that may well sell single O rings of various sizes, Don’t give up. I would post you one if I knew where you were. I bought another one yesterday, not because I have worn mine out, my fuck buddy Will wants to start wearing one, should be great on our trip to the sun next week. Will can experience the extra sensation when he cums wearing one. I hope his cock is up my ass at the time.

  21. Thanks for the offer Darren but I checked a site which I would like you to see if it is basically the same thing and the rings are only 50 cents from there. http://www.leathercreations.com.
    If this is not similar are you in the states in case I take up your offer? Small hardware stores around here have been taken over by the chains like Lowe’s and Home Depot. (I am sure you will get your wish next week. 🙂

  22. Pete25, I have checked the site you suggest and this is just what you need, and as you say only 50 cents. I guess you will need the 2 inch ring, depending on your size, mine is nearly 2 1/2 inch and is just the right size, a smaller one would be tight, but I guess that would improve the cum sensation! Sorry I am not in the States, or we could meet up and compare. Keep in touch through this site.

  23. Darren
    Have done business with this site before and they are really fast in service and don’t make it up with overpriced shipping. Will place an order with them and see how things go. Will probably go for the larger size. 🙂 Hey man, thanks for the suggestions as well as the chat.

  24. Pete25, hope you get what you want. I did mean to comment on my previous, there is a clip showing how to put a cock ring on. I think if you had one it would be obvious don’t you.

  25. I have seen the video but yeah it is obvious. I have metal ones but they can not be worn 24/7 at least by me. Just thinking about you in one 24/7 gives me a stiffy. Walt had some good suggestions in his comments as well–will need to investigate those when the rings arrive.

  26. Pete25, I get a hard on and feel really horny regularly when reading these comments and Dave’s blogs. I would not be able to wear a metal cock ring when I go to away next week, it would set the alarms at the airport. My cock is hard now, but I will resist the temptation to relieve the tension as Will is coming (or should I say cumming) tonight, so I will save all my cum for him.

  27. Understand the situation. Maybe in the future we should exchange e-mails as this may be pushing the limits on the blog. Not really sure what Dave’s rules are but don’t want to violate them. 🙂

  28. Pete25, bit risky putting your e-mail address on here,
    but if you wish to then do so and we can correspond. I feel horny again just thinking what we might exchange.

  29. In my anticipation didn’t think that one out too well. Thanks for thinking ahead. Ummmmm. Could that be a pun? Horny is normal in this part of the world–just seeing and thinking about speedo hot guys.

  30. Pete25, sorry we cannot correspond one to one, it could have been good and horny. We will just have to rely on Dave’s site to do so. It could bring in comments from other guys to spice things up even more.

  31. True. Was wondering if Dave would exchange our e-mail addresses privately. Just a thought but imagine not a good one.
    You wearing a speedo now? This site stimulates one to hang out in one 24/7 🙂

  32. No, as ever I am wearing a g-string as I do 24/7, with of course my cock ring securely fitted inside. I am so horny now Will is likely to have a handful of cum when he starts to work on my bulging g-string tonight. With regard to e-mail addresses perhaps we can pass them on to each other in some coded way. Give it some thought.

  33. A thought but I am not good with codes. 🙂 You might be able to work something out that way better than me. Sounds like Will is in for a good dessert tonight. Nothing like creamsicles.

  34. You guys in the States use PO Box numbers don’t you. If so it may not do any harm to post your address here and I can send you my e-mail address. The worst thing that can happen is that you receive a load of mail that you can dump. We do not use PO boxes in UK.
    I am looking forward to tonight, hope I can hang on that long!!

  35. One has to buy a P.O. Box here and the P.O. is not that convenient. Let me think about it and maybe we can come up with another way to correspond. You will manage I am sure although not sure I will. Can’t believe this metal c-ring is still comfortable even though things have been at full mast through these notes.

  36. I will wait to hear from you Pete25. It may be money well spent, can’t you buy one for 2-3 weeks then forget it, any mail that arrives after that will be destroyed surely. We will then be able to correspond by e-mail. My cock has been throbbing in my G-string for the last 4 or 5 hours. Glad you have found a cock ring, hope you can keep it on long term. May have to relieve myself now and hope I can perform again when Will arrives. Never been a problem yet to be ready in 2 hours. Here goes.

  37. Oh ok here goes – I guess my fingers were mixed up and were more intent on other than typing. Do you know of a chat room where we could chat in private and then exchange e-mails? I tried Chris Geary but my pc blocks me from the chat. 🙁 I am sure you will recover in time for Will — it will make it last longer.

  38. It was great, I have been horny all day corresponding with you Pete25, and I have no doubt that in a hour or so I will be ready to go and as you say I will last longer. I am not aware of any chat rooms, we can both give it some thought, but I thought the PO box idea could work. Cock ring and G-string on and ready to go.

  39. Ichatalot is an easy chat room to join – no fees or anything and one can go private in there. I registered in there as Pete25 so if you are really keen to connect by e-mail we could go there and exchange e-mail addresses and no one would know about it. Think on it.

  40. Pete25, I have registered as suggested, but account not activated yet. Will try to move things on tomorrow, but Will and I are off to the sun this weekend so may not be able to contact you until return, but I will.

  41. Not a problem. Enjoy the sun and don’t burn anything.
    Have to be at work tomorrow so I may not be around.
    Enjoy Will tonight as I am sure he will enjoy you.

  42. Pete25, pity you have to work on a Saturday. Are you wearing your speedos with cock ring still fitted. What colour and style are they, hope they are low fitting so that you are able to display all your assets. Last night was GREAT, I will tell you more about it one to one sometime when we link up. Will has gone back to his pad to pack ready for our time in the sun, hope he remembers his cock ring and swimming thong.

  43. Going in to work in a bit. Glad you had a good time last night. Yes, to your question. Black Hom speedo to other. Did you log in to chat room yet?

  44. I agree that speedos should be low and butt crack is hot… When with other guys I love wearing my AussieBums low and loose with the string through the cock ring tied to the ring but loose. This keeps the AussieBums low so that when I move you can just see the silver cockring over the top of the suit. I am completely shaved so just skin shows. I am a fan of completely shaving because that allows you to wear your suit supper low, just above your cockring, without having moms of daughters complain at public pools. Having pubic hair show gives them an excuse to complain…At private pool parties, with the guys it is go for the show…

  45. Another trick is to tie the strings together in large loop that fits under your package. This keeps the suit super low and can have your cockring peak out…I love the look of a large silver cockring poking out of a black AussieBum

  46. Great suggestions Walt, will try it sometime.
    Pete25, shame you have to work on Saturday, but you have to earn a living. Pleased to hear the cock ring is still in place, trying to log on to chat room, but does not like my e-mail address. I will persevere and be in touch as soon as possible to exchange more intimate detail of our sexual experiences.

  47. Darren
    Sorry about the e-mail glitch. Work is a necessity but as long as it pays for speedos, et al why complain? Was in the chat room and had hoped you would be as well but what is is.

  48. Maybe you should retry entering your e-mail. Off to lunch but should be able to log back in in about 1/2 hr. if you have any success.

  49. Pete25
    Will connect up in 2 to 3 weeks. I obviously got the e-mail wrong. I will be thinking what we can exchange with each other when I am away, makes me quite horny. Thanks for good wishes.

  50. Pete25
    You told me the site was Ichatalot, not Ilovetochat, let me know which one for when I get home.

  51. You did not get it wrong I did. It is “Ichatalot”. Sorry. Hope you are enjoying your sun and speedo sightings.

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