12 thoughts on “Sex Slave/Speedo Slave Application

  1. Very nice indeed, havdisc! Are you available for office work as well (filing, etc.)? I’d love to have a be-speedo’ed office boy as well! (That is, if I had the budget for it…)

    And, even though Dave is quite kind in posting this, you also were very kind indeed for sharing!

  2. Yes hire him ASAP before someone else get on top of him. He’s got a great body I wonder what he looks like, go on take a chance, check out his CV in a bed time interview.

  3. What’s CV..? bed time interview peeked my interest 😛

    What ya mean mean I wonder what I look like what else is there to show lmao.

  4. Hey awesome,
    This guy is hot stuff…does this give u any inspiration of maybe trying to finiah off that fantasy story of yours?? i would really love to see it end

  5. JD,

    Yesterday just over 5,000 people visited this blog. If you’d like to show your face to the world feel free but that isn’t something you can ask of anyone.

    At this point in time I have no intension of showing my face and unless you guys want to pay me a bunch of money that ain’t going to change anytime soon.

    Cheers to Chad for sending in his photos and giving me permission to publish them.


  6. Hahaha Thanks for the backup Dave. I’ll accept my slave/servant position as I couldn’t have said that better myself.

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