Quick post before Kip and I was out the door for Vegas BABY!!!!
11hr drive according to the GPS but I think we gain an hour so we should be there by 4pm this afternoon!!!
We are staying at New York, New York and we have a day there on our own before the crew arrives for the birthday celebrations (a friend of Kip’s sister – there is going to be like 20 of us apparently and I don’t know anyone).
Last time I was in Vegas was fun but the first, last and only time I was in Reno was one hell of an evening. Maybe during the drive I’ll put some of that experience in writing to share with you guys.
Should be interesting to see what kind of trouble we get into….
Here is some speedo eye candy for you guys, big boys, in very small speedos.
Have a good time. Yea have fun getting any Wi-Fi service between Green River and Salina. No services for the next 150 miles. The big open west.
You should look great in your speedo at the pool. wear the DE swimsuit.
I’ve never been to Vegas when it was ‘pool season’ so you never know. I did pack my new ADIDAS 3-stripes and a pair of DE Swimwear…. I’ll keep you posted.
That stretch of road from Green River was a lot of nothing, it is Indian land?
not reservations, but BLM land I believe. did you hit the jackpot yet. you are probably just getting in to bed now.