Arena Speedos

I posted about my white Arena speedos the other day and I thoughtt I’d post some more Arena photos.

4 Users Responded in " Arena Speedos "

Dr. Phil said,  

I’m going to have to dig some of my Arenas out now and become re-acquainted with them…!

I like the first photo–rather artsy! (I’d like to see a second one, with all four guys minus their white Arenas…) The second one is also nice.

I have no idea how it is that some suits, Arenas in particular, are flattering for almost anyone (including me!) to wear. Wonderful stuff…

Dave Evans said,  


I know exactly what you mean about having a speedo that just fits right.

As well as the arena’s right now I’m loving a pair of Spank speedos. Again it is just the fit – they are black and I was swimming in them when I was back in New Zealand pretty much every day.


Dr. Phil said,  

You’ve mentioned the Spank ones before, rather tantalizingly! I’d be interested in hearing more on those at some stage, preferably with photos!

Dr. Phil said,  

BTW, I just found a stash of Arena ones that I’d forgotten I even had…they really make some nice suits!

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