I was writing something this morning and I wasn’t sure if blond had an e at the end or not. Turns out there is a masculine and a feminine – goes back to the Frenchies.
So a guy is blond and a girl is blonde. I never know that – goes to show you can learn something every day.
I love blonds and here are a few….
That is because we who speak Romance languages are very sexy people…lol…we have to add sex into everything…while in English…perhaps only a few things are sexy…like a ship is a she…but think about not having to worry about the article agreeing with the subject.
crap…the professor is coming out.
great post
Gendered forms of adjectives…fun stuff!
(Fellow professor here, raulito!)
As for Mr. #2 above, he’s a rather famous guy called Rusty Joiner–though I wonder if that is his real name or not. I’ve always found him quite delicious!
Always great to get your feedback guys!!!
I really should make sure I run the spell check before I publish any posts.
Not to worry, Dave: I only correct other people’s spelling if I have a red pen in my hand. And, based on many other websites I read on a regular basis, my monitor would be ruined long before I’d even get to check your blog! 😉 You do what you do here very well indeed, and that’s the most important thing!
A romance language native speaker here as well, and definitely french has it sexy side as well as blonds that have a ‘Je ne sais quoi’ !!!!