Purple Speedo Monday

I don’t think I’ve ever done a ‘Purple Speedo Monday’ but late last week I ordered some purple speedos – I have never owned a pair of purple speedos but wanted something that was a bit fun and more of something I’d wear as a joke instead of just for swimming which is what consists of most of my speedo collection.

I do have a bunch of news for you guys about my weekend but I have a stack of work to get done this morning and it is going to take me a little while to articulate just what went on Friday evening and Saturday morning and then again on Saturday afternoon.  Lets just say that my cock is a little sore – happy sore though.

Check back tomorrow and I promise I’ll have a post about it ready for you guys.

Back to the purple speedos and here they are……


8 Users Responded in " Purple Speedo Monday "

camillus said,  

Love the purple plz model yours

Dr. Phil said,  

I don’t usually go for facial hair, but I like #3 and #4 a lot! Very nice!

I don’t have many purple speedos myself…I do have a black one with purple panels on the side that I really like (by Nike), and perhaps one more, I think…

Hungspeedoguy said,  

That top picture – YUMMY 😀

Anonymous said,  

That purple Aussiebum suit is one I missed out on some how, and it’s one I’d love to have. I’m not usually big on purple, but this one is just a great color combination. I spring a bone whenever I see a guy wearing one.

DeepKisser said,  

The third guy could use some help with that zipper. It is a 2 hand project. One inside to make sure nothing gets caught, and the other outside to zip it up to the top. Nice suit.

Darren said,  

Great pics #3 and 4. Where can I get the zip up speedos, they are hot. The guy should shave his cock etc, or else his hair will get in the zip. Great N2N speedos holdind a nice package. I have a pair of purple speedos from Kiniki, why is it that speedos are mainly blue red or black.

Will said,  

Let me help that guy with the zip, I will becareful not to get anything caught in the zip. He will not need to take them off to fuck me.

Dr. Phil said,  

Darren–lots of different companies make the front zip ones. Ami Sanzuri did, and I know that the Undergear catalog has a few as well (that are made by Tactics, if I remember correctly).

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