3 thoughts on “Speedo Friendly Lake Powell

  1. I figured you wouldn’t be the only guy in speedos. Did you also realize that was the same liquid you boarded on in breck ? was it hot weather? its hot here.

  2. Beer Doc,

    I was aware that it is the same water that flows just by Kip’s place on the Blue River (which flows into the Colorado River).

    It was hot but not Aussie hot – no humidity and in the shade it was just perfect.

    The water was amazing though.


  3. So, I’m guessing the situation was: you hiked up the mesa with Kip and Jason, and then when you got to that spot you said, “Right, lads, off with ’em,” stood there naked while you took photos of the speedos, and then got up to what else you did up there? (And even if that wasn’t how it went, nonetheless, let someone have their fantasy!) 😉

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