Speedo Photo of the Day

I love the fury that I’ve unleased by my post a couple of days ago. I do giggle at how easy some people are to stir up.

In comments and a stack of emails I’ve been called a ‘homophobe’ among other things.  I love it that people who are upset at me referring to a flamboyant male hostess who wasn’t doing his job to my satisfaction as a ‘fairy’ and yet these same folks are free flowing with their adjectives.  I’ve having a laugh an my friends who know me personally are having a laugh as well.  No need to get to precious guys – maybe that is why I have never been in a fight, it takes a lot more than calling me names to get me upset.

Tonight I’m having a quiet Friday in and hopefully kick the last vestiages of jet lag and tomorrow night I’m having some friends around for dinner – I think they are bringing their baby which sucks but ow well.

Here is todays ‘Speedo Photo of the Day’ from my site SwimmerBoyz.com.  Today I’ve worked on setting up accepting online checks as membership payment.  I tested it by joining myself and it works great.

4 Users Responded in " Speedo Photo of the Day "

Jeff said,  

Don’t mind them. You had a slip of the tongue and you already apologised because you didn’t mean to offend anyone. Also, how could people accuse you of being a ‘homophobe’ when you’re openly bisexual? You post photos of borderline naked men wearing basically nothing, i.e. speedos. You share information to complete strangers who know more about you and your life than you about theirs. And you openly express your attraction to men and share with us your gay sex life.

Now back to one of the reasons why I love your blog, I love that photo! I wish I could have my way with both these guys 😉

speedorex said,  

I bet you eat at Chick Fil A too you homophobe. 🙂

Let me give you a kiss…

It is amazing how people will criticize you for using words which hurt them, by using words which hurt YOU. If we respond to what we call “hate,” but which in most cases probably is not, by a violent or hateful act, who has the upper hand, the moral high ground?

Jeff said,  

Storm in a teacup.

I’m gay, loser. 🙂

Handy said,  

You have your head in the right place – some people get their asses in an uproar and should look at themselves in the mirror and then get involved with real issues. Keep smiling Dave. In my book you are the best.

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