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Lazy Speedo Day

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I get a bit of a hard time about my partying and drinking but I don’t think I could ever be a full blown alcoholic because waking up this morning I feel fantastic.

Yes, yesterday I was well behaved. I did a stack of work, ate properly, wanked 5 times and I even went for an ice skate. I had Kip’s sisters ‘2 mates’ crashing on the floor here and they were loud and partying so I didn’t get to bed until pretty late but I’m up early and I feel great.

Right now I’m sitting in bed (I’ve just cleaned up the house a little bit) watching the Inauguration.

I don’t discuss politics on here very much but I’m excited about Barak Obama (I’m not sure I’d vote for him if I was allowed to vote in America) and I hope that he can stand up to the Democratic Left in the Senate and Congress – ie Pelosi.

Hope you guys are having a good day as well – here are some nice lazy speedo photos.

January 21st, 2009
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