Girls Love Speedos Too

This weekend I headed up towards Napa Valley with a bunch of folks.  It was organised by my New Zealand friends here in the city and there was 8 of us in total, two couples, three single girls and me – not a bad ratio right?

I hadn’t met any of the other people and I’ve only been through Napa twice but never for a weekend get away thing.

Someone in the group knew someone with a house in the woods and there was a hottub and a pool table.

Lots of wine was consumed and I’m looking forward to drying out a little bit this week.

We got back Monday morning early and we didn’t have any net up there so that is why I was MIA in the blogisphere.

Nothing naughty happened unfortunately, the couple that I’m friends with, we’ve had a few threesomes in the past but not since I’ve been back.  There was a lot of sexual inuendo though and with a little bit of pressure, the other two guys and I wore speedos only in the hottub.  The girls seemed to love it and it all started with them complaining that girls are expected to bikini it up while guys get away with not showing much in some dork shorts.

It was a great weekend but nothing really to report for you guys.  Here is some eye candy for you though.

3 Users Responded in " Girls Love Speedos Too "

Dr. Phil said,  

What intelligent, forward-thinking, equality-minded, awesome women! I wish there were more women like them…

If I were in charge of a beach, the rule would be: tops optional for women, speedos required for men. Then, everyone really is pretty damned equal, at least clothes-wise. (Those who are more daring can thong it up if they like, of course…)

admin said,  

Dr. Phil,

I agree with you mate.

Out of the three guys, obviously I’m speedo friendly and my friend (who is married but we’ve had a threesome on several occasions) he is speedo friendly.

The third guy did have a choice in the matter because of peer pressure.

Everyone was fine with it – the way it should be.

Do you know any beaches in the world that are speedo only?


Dr. Phil said,  

Good question…

I heard rumors of one in Brighton in the U.K. (and also of a nude beach), but I don’t know if that’s really accurate or not. I walked a huge amount of the boardwalk there the one time I was there, and didn’t seem to find it…but, I might have been going the wrong way.

Perhaps you should add it to your “Dave’s Plans to Rule the World” list: when you are rich beyond belief and can buy some beachfront property, you can make your own rules about it. Perhaps you can also employ me to take souvenir speedo photos for beach-goers as well! 😉

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