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Last night was a hoot at the local pub and some friends of mine who were up from Sydney. Nothing naughty to report but it was a good night.

This morning I was lying in bed thinking I’d have a lazy day and go for a nice long walk on the beach this afternoon…. then when I got out of bed it is absolutely miserable outside. Looks like a day sitting around the house for me.

OK back to work…..

Here is an idea, if the ‘Speedo Corporation’ steals a couple of domains names off me what should I rename this blog as? I wonder if would be OK?

As you guys know I’m a private person and all the press associated with this suing is something I would be happy to live without, but it has been phenominal how many new readers are here and new members on my site

I can’t just post a ‘graph’ as the photo today so I’ll move the subject along.

Have any of you guys bought a ‘Caussie’ speedo?

Someone from their company has been posting on the forum with some great information about nylon speedos. Sounds like they go to a lot of effort to get the perfect material.

I’ll write a swimwear review later next week when they arrive.

As a side note guys – I don’t get any kick back from my speedo reviews. I even have to buy them myself.

September 25th, 2011
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