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Gay Nightclub in Saudi

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I’m keen to hear what you guys think about the whole ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ thing – I’d like to know what New Yorkers think and also what my Muslim readers think.

I personally think it is a bit rude.  911 was committed in the name of Islam.  I hope not all Muslims have the same exteme views but I’m sick of people pretending that it had nothing to do with religion.

What really gets me is all the left wingers questioning our ‘tolerance’ towards Islam.  That whacko Christian who was going to burn a bunch of Koran’s wasn’t shown much tolerance for his ‘rights’ and burning American flags seems to be a daily exercise in the Muslim world.

If the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ goes ahead, I’m more than happy to show my tolerance despite me thinking it is in bad taste.  I would like to think that the Muslim world would show me the same tolerance if I opened a gay nightclub in Saudi Arabia.

Keen to hear what you guys think.

September 18th, 2010
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