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Lifeguard Training

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Those of you who have been reading this blog for years know that I was a ‘nipper’ (junior life saver) growing up.  I never got into it that much and stopped going by the time I was 14 or so I suppose.  It was just something you did and a lot of the families and kids I grew up with were members of the club.  If I moved back to the beach again I’m pretty sure I’d join a surf liufesaving club just for the social side of things.

As kids our training didn’t feel like training at all, it was just a day at the beach.

If this is the type of training they do these days…. I might struggle to maintain composure if this is how they do adult training these days.  Cute look guys and I love those red speedos.

Just a quick note on the forum – I’m doing a bunch of work on it and I’ll post on here when I have it back up to 100%.  I deleted all users who haven’t logged in recently or who have zero posts.  It is easy to register again if this effects you.  I’ll keep you posted.

December 8th, 2012
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