
I’ve been catching up with friends and had a few big days of travelling recently.

Thanksgiving in the US is always good fun and my mosts really made me feel like I was part of their family.

Over the last few days I’ve had a drink on the deck of ‘Lookout’, lived near Alamo Square, had lunch at Cavallo Point after riding across the bridge and I got to go for a hike through the Muir Woods.  I’m pretty sure you guys will know where in the world I am……

5 Users Responded in " Travels "

Anonymous said,  

San Francisco

JC said,  

Some photography skills Dave? Not bad. I love the last picture.

Dr. Phil said,  

I’d recognize that scene anywhere: Sheboygan, Wisconsin! 😉 No, no, no…

Hope you get a ton of the “San Francisco Treat” while you’re there–and I don’t mean Rice’a’Roni!

apeiron said,  

Let us know when you’re coming to San Diego! You shouldn’t miss it and I can give a list of things to see!

Screaming Hair said,  

The Muir woods is an awesome place! While I was there I went off the path as much as possible. You cant see all the beautiful creeks if you stay on the planks. I was in San Fran last August and I had one of the best times of my life.

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