Water Polo

Since I got back to the US I have been watching a little more of the Olympics.

I’m still not a fan but maybe some of the better sports have been on, Olympic Water Polo for one is something I have been trying to follow and the mountain biking is on this Sunday which I’ll try and watch.

I remember as an early teenage kid being on a family trip down to Canberra and going on a tour of AIS (Australian Institute of Sports) and the guy who gave the tour was a swimmer and he said that the waterpolo guys were the ‘Alpha Males’ on campus.  The way he explained it was they were fast and crazy strong.

Unfortunately, the US and Aussie mens water polo teams are both out so I thought I’d post some waterpolo pics today.

I have an interesting redevous lined up for later this afternoon…. a married (to a wife) guy who likes to have some fun on the site that I’ve been talking to online for the last few days.  I”ll post more on this subject/encounter over the next few days you can be assured.

PS – Is waterpolo spelt with a space or not?

4 Users Responded in " Water Polo "

Hungspeedoguy said,  

How do you feel about helping people cheat on their partners?

Personally I have a rule that I never ever do it. I’ve never had a partner cheat on me but I can’t imagine how horrible it must feel. I figure it takes two to tango and if more people said NO to helping people cheat then maybe people would deal with their relationship problems more openly and honestly.
(Side note: Yes, I’ve slept with those in open relationships many times – but that is different, their partner knows that they’re not being faithful upfront)

What are your thoughts?

speedorex said,  

Water Polo yes has a space. Partners should not be given space. LOL

Thanks for posting these great pics. One sportswriter (no space?) said Water Polo is one of those sports in the Olympics which we watch every four years, and think “what a great game” and then forget about it until the next Olympics.

So, great pics. We’ve been trying to do right by Water Polo on my blog too…

Dave Evans said,  

SpeedoRex – I was talking about it in a taxi the other day with the driver and we both came to that same conclusion… awesome game, awesome athletes but it just isn’t on enough.

The cabbie told me that there is a European league but it isn’t played in very many Colorado Colleges.


Dr. Phil said,  

I just watched the Italy vs. Serbia semi-final in men’s water polo…until the first commercial. I’ve never watched it before, in-person or on television (Olympics or not), though I’ve of course drooled over photos of water polo players over the years, mostly when they’re out of the pool, though.

It clearly takes a lot of skill and fitness, but it was a little too boring for me–like soccer only slower, but with more goals…or, sort of like a soccer/basketball hybrid in a way.

As far as the married guy situation goes: it’s his choice to be running around, whether it is behind her back or not. You aren’t responsible for his own actions, you’re only responsible for your own. It can’t be said, at this stage, that you’re doing anything to “undermine” or “break up” their relationship, so I don’t personally think it’s a matter for you to judge. It’s sort of ironic, though, that he’s being honest with you about his situation (which he didn’t have to do–one only has to disclose what one wants to in situations like these), but may not be honest with his wife about it. Hmm. People: they’re funny things.

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