3 thoughts on “White Speedos

  1. yes a long hot weekend..lucky last week was up at winter park doing single track and avoiding moose. nice and cool in the mountains. white is good anytime. those massive thighs look great poking thru those suits. have a good labor day.

  2. Under your good influences, Dave, I have obtained a few (more) white speedos recently. I’m pretty happy with one of them, and not as much with the other, but oh well…

    This is one of them:


    And the other (which isn’t as good) is this:


  3. One of my favorite Aussibums I own; but don’t quite wear as well as the guy in the third to last pic. Not that I will ever know, but that is going to be the surprise I am going to envision the gals are going to see when Dave get’s them home…

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