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Square Cut Speedos

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It has been too long since I posted but I did give you guys a lot to digest and read with two fantastic stories.

The weather has been pretty crappy the last week with the remains of the cyclone, it has meant the surf has been pretty big.  The boys are 10x (maybe 100x better surfers than I am so yesterday morning, I left the board on the beach and just went out for a swim in my wetsuit).  No working on the speedo tan for a little while by the looks of things, I’ve got some friends up on the Gold Coast where I grew up who had some flooding but nothing they haven’t seen before.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to post about to today and the mail man just came and he has some square cuts that I ordered from AussieBum (I don’t get any love from AussieBum at all but these were on sale).  I really like them!!!  They actually fit great and I’m wearing them as I sit here typing this blog post.

A couple of months ago I received a pair of square cuts from Mensuas (those guys are great – just google Mensuas to find them) and unfortunately they were just a little too small but I loved them too.  Over the years I’ve tried to find square cuts as a bit of a ‘bridge’ between dork shorts and speedos but they have just never seemed to fit right, they bunch up in the crotch or they are too low in the back and I’m sporting a plumbers crack.  This week I’ll get some photos of my new square cuts and share them with you guys (I only share selfies with the members – that was the original idea of the members area, somewhere I could share more ‘personal’/’intimate’ things that I didn’t really want 100% public.

Speaking of square cuts and membership – I’m working on a new movie.  It has square cuts in it, one of the models doesn’t really do it for me, but they are poolside and wearing skimpy swimwear so I’m a fan.  I am a fan of this guy……

Square Cut Speedo SwimwearGay Guy in Swimwear

You guys (members) will be able to watch this movie tomorrow – they don’t keep their square cuts on very long unfortunately, but it is still some hot HD action.

Gay Swimwear Fetish Porn Movie

April 2nd, 2017

Evil Speedo Corporation

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Over the last couple of months I’ve been fighting the evil Speedo Corporation over my domain name ‘’.

They claimed it was infringing on their copyright….

My opinion is that the word speedo is a generic term and particularly used in the context of this blog this Aussie Speedo Guy could be wearing AussieBum’s, ADIDAS, Nike, Tyr or any other of the many speedo manufacturers.

Unforunately, I didn’t win but I didn’t expect to either – they stole the domain off me a few years ago.

I’m madly emailing fellow bloggers who have me on their blogroll to changed to

If you have me in your favourites it might pay to change it to as well – I’m not 100% sure of when exactly they’ll steal the domain but it is imminent.

Published under About Me, Blog Ideassend this post
June 5th, 2010
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