An Awkward Xmas?

Good morning everybody, it is Xmas morning here down under and I have a pretty quiet day on the cards.  No kids, no boyfriends, no girlfriends to do presents with for me but, that is OK.

I am just about to head down to the beach for a swim then I might even have an early afternoon nap.

Then this afternoon, I have been invited around to a friends place for a few drinks and some backyard cricket (a very Australian Xmas tradition).  Thing is, my friends sons will be there.  Last time I saw their sons was back in April and I kinda had sex with both of them (not at the same time).

One son is gay and out of the closet, the other son is completely straight and has a gorgeous girlfriend.  I’m not sure if the girlfriend will be there.

My friends (the parents) assume that I am 100% straight of course.

This is the first time I’ve seen these guys since April, it should be interesting.  It sounds like my friends have a lot of family in town and I do have a spare bedroom if either of the sons needs a place to crash I will be quick to offer…. perhaps a late Xmas Day present for me.

If you are new, or can’t remember what happened back in April, click here to read about it.

Merry Xmas guys.

Santa Run

2 Users Responded in " An Awkward Xmas? "

Anonymous said,  

I hope this continues the way I hope it continues

joshbloggs61469300 said,  

C’mon Dave don’t leave us hanging too much longer

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