I said that I wanted to kick some goals this week and so far, so good.
Hopefully in a couple of days I’ll have a new site to launch featuring HD Movies. I’ll be looking for some ‘testers’ from members of my site SwimmerBoyz.com so if you are interested drop over there.
Tomorrow night I’m off for my first ever 4th of July party. It is at my friends house a couple of blocks away and they have a roof top BBQ area. It is an amazing spot and if the weather holds out it should be a hoot.
Interesting comments/feedback from my post of the speedo threesome – very interesting indeed.
I have to finish cooking dinner (pasta bake with bacon and lots of cheese) and then a late night working on this new site.
This guy here was the ‘Speedo Photo of the Day’ a few days ago and I don’t think I’ve posted him here.
Great pic – does anyone know what speedo’s those are as I want to get some.