9 thoughts on “Blindfolded

  1. They’re both hot, but I think I’d have to go with “the other guy”; me being blindfolded, even when wonderful things are being done to me by someone I might like, would just lead to trouble…I react rather strongly and violently when I can’t see what (or who) is touching me…

  2. I’m the blindfold-ee, definitely. I like the feeling of mystery and not knowing what to expect.

  3. I’d be happy to be the guy with the blindfold … if you agreed to be the other guy!

  4. If it had to be one or the other–blindfold. But would gladly be either. Gladly.

  5. I’d want to be the blindfolded guy, with Dave standing behind me. I’d want to be standing in the rocks right by the beach hearing the waves crashing nearby. Being blindfolded with the thought of others watching just gets me hotter than hot!

  6. Definitely the guy in the blindfold. The thrill of being touched while not being able to see who it is would be hot!!

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