4 thoughts on “Policemen Fuck Me in Hotel Quarantine

  1. Actually half suspected this was fictional. Pretty hot and pretty naughty if it’s true

  2. If this is indeed all true, while “hot”, it is the kind of thing that is causing lockdowns around the place! You are all just really lucky none of you has Covid. Not to mentio the fact that what they did was unprofessional at the very least.

  3. Jco72,

    I don’t disagree with anything you have said in your comment.

    At the heart of it is that when you are locking up people (if I stole a car I wouldn’t spent 2 week locked up), shit will happen.

    Other countries are doing it differently and I think the Aussie Hotel Quarantine system is absolute bullshit. Had I not been screwing my brains out, I could have been suicidal spending 14 days locked up like that. The food was absolute shit, I got outside 4 times for short periods and the internet barely worked so I wasn’t able to work as well as I hoped.

    I know a bunch of people who have had Covid and none of them got sick, one chick I know really well said she got a headache one afternoon, otherwise she was 100% fine. I’m not afraid of the Covid, I’m afraid of lives being ruined (hey, if I’m 90yo with a lung condition, I’d be afraid and would lock myself up).

    Just my 2 cents. I don’t write about my views on all this because it upset me and I completely understand that there are different views on this.


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