Fun weekend about to turn naughty

This weekend is turning out pretty good.  Today the Denver boys, Kip and myself for a hike – there isn’t that much snow about but in some shady parts there is feet of snowpack.  A couple of pics from our hike.

I think things have been PG enuf so time for a beverage, a hottub and some speedo action I think.

I better comment on the Wicked Weasel bikini in these pics – Kips sister (who lives up here) broke up with her boyfriend a few weeks ago.  She has been super flirty with me.  I’m not sure if anything would happen between us – have any of you guys shagged a brother and then his sister?  Anyway – in the spirit of being flirty I bought Kips sister a WW bikini.  I’m giving it to her tonight and thought I’d get a pic of it.

She really loves it when we had our ‘Speedo Only Party’ and I think she’ll play along and wear it in the hottub.  We’ll see how it goes.

And yes – I haven’t gotten used to writing the date the wrong way around – 8/4 is 8th of April.

9 Users Responded in " Fun weekend about to turn naughty "

Anonymous said,  

Do you know any good mens thong brands

Dr. Phil said,  

Wow, that’s hot…I’d love to see someone attractive (of the appropriate genders…or, reversed–why not?) in either of those! 😉

Hope she enjoys it, and gets in on the action with all of you!

(I’ve never had a brother and sister, or brother and brother, or two sisters…but, I’ve often hoped!)

Dave Evans said,  

Anonymous – I have only ever had one or maybe two thongs in my life. I like to wear my speedos to the pool or beach and thongs have never quite been appropriate at the places I swim at.

Perhaps post your question over at the forum.


Luis said,  


Sorry in the second picture i see TWO thongs..

Question; the second thong is a “gay men” g-string
thong or a thong for girl / woman ?

Dont forget what in some places (public beaches
or pools) you CANT use very little thongs (g-string).

For example: “KOALASWIM” thongs or “DORE SWIMWEAR”
thongs for gay guys.. (I have a lot of this kind of
suits), but when I trip to Miami I wear my gay
hot thongs only in a special gay beaches…

Please confirm me..

Luis said,  

If I begin to buildt a new web page,

“Koalaswim Gay” or “Gabriel Doré Swimwear Gay”,
what are two exciting american companyes of gay
thongs ?


Dave Evans said,  


First up use a spell checker buddy.


Darren said,  


You will find a great choice of thongs and g-strings at , that is where I get all mine and I must have 50 g-strings being a 24/7 g-string guy having worn nothing else for the last 8 years.

Luis said,  

Thanks annonymus “Darren”.. you are a very good
person and underestand me.

If my english in not good is for what i am a
Latin American citizen, I don like de “Dave
Policy” he dont answer my question, i see a
discriminate policy of Dave with Latin American
gays writers in his blog

Thanks for the information I begin to buy thongs for


Dave Evans said,  


Of course – because you can’t spell – I’m racist and disciminatory. Really? C’mon man.

“If I begin to buildt a new web page” – If you began to build a website is how that read and then you mentioned Koala Swim (which I thought was Aussie but I could be wrong there).

I can’t answer a question if I can’t understand it – that is all I was saying.

I’m from Australia mate – I don’t even know how to definte Latin America. But if I’m discriminatory towards you – feel free not to read my blog.

Jesus people are precious these days.


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