Weekend of Speedo Porn

How is everyone surviving lock down, or coming out of lock down?

I haven’t spoken much about this because I felt it was a little bit political (I don’t talk politics on here either). I had some friends that were 100% all in on shutting down the world and doing exactly what any politician said. And, I had some friends that thought the rules were stupid, inconsistent and therefore would ignore most of what politician said.

I’m not really going to comment on what I thought but here is a selfie I took at the end of March on a section of the Australian coastline that was closed.  I was probably the only person on that beach for maybe 50kms!!!

It was weird.

There were no footprints on the beach… there is always foot prints on the beach but this beach had none since it had been closed for a month or so (footprint in the foto below are from me not getting my phone to stand up while I tried to take the speedo selfie).

CoVID Beach

I have mentioned to you guys that this Corona stuff has made me busy with looking after people with normal online businesses who needed help and it has been nice to help out.

But don’t worry, I’m still here for you guys.

Here is my tentative line up for the next few days…..

  1. New Movie of the Week.  Staring Hawaii Speedo Student and his first professional porn shoot.  He is wearing AussieBum’s and shows us that it isn’t his first time sucking cock.
  2. Waterfall selfies. I have a collection of pics of guys in speedos around waterfalls and I have a gallery of them.  For members, there will be my own waterfall selfies.
  3. I’m nearly finished writing about my first time with Taz and Rachel. I know this has taken ages but it was really hot and then Taz and I hooked up again which I did write about in detail.  Don’t know who Rachel and Taz are?  Click here for a summary.

I have most of those three posts done I just need to test them but it should be a fun weekend for you guys consuming speedo porn.

And if you are thinking of becoming a member please do.  Site looks just the same except you don’t have to read these kind of sales pitches, the movies are 25 minutes long (instead of 3 minutes) and you get to read the cummy finale of my sexual experiences instead of being cut off just as it is getting hot. And if you are a member, I love receiving and replying to your emails which I don’t usually get to with general fan mail.

You can join by credit card or Paypal.  Nothing naughty, gay or porn related comes up on your credit card, it comes up as Focal Trade Limited (I picked something very plain and boring).  And, it is only $5.  Click here, you can join right now.

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