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Captain of the Footy Team

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Hey guys, I first published this experience last year and from the feedback I got, it was your favourite.  The bloke who wrote it is a long time member and we were chatting online and he told me about this experience he had.  I encouraged him to write about it and it really is an amazing experience.

Everyone, including me, wanted to know what happened later in the footy season…. well, I am just polishing up the final version of that and I will have it ready for you guys tomorrow.

Thought I’d post this to give you a refresh.

Cya tomorrow guys.

The whole COVID thing screwed my life up a bit. Like a lot of young Aussie’s, I was doing the London thing. With border closures and lock downs, I ended up back in Australia, as a bit of a nomad. After over a year I finally settled down in a little beach town on the east coast.

Being new to town, I didn’t know anyone so I tried to get out, mingle, and make some friends.

One thing I did was join the local AFL (Australian Rules) footy team. I had played in high school, I wasn’t very good back then, and I haven’t gotten any better with age. I wasn’t that interested in playing any games, just go to training and have some beers with the guys afterwards.

I kept an eye out and when I saw that they had started preseason training, I bought some footy boots, a mouth guard and went along.

It was a pretty good bunch of guys, I’m thirty years old and most of the guys were in their early twenties. There were a handful of new guys, like me, but the core of the team was a group of guys in their early twenties who had grown up together. The captain of the team, who everyone called Macca, was twenty-one years old and just gorgeous, ow sorry, I mean Macca was a great footy player. Dirty blonde shoulder length hair, tall, wiry thin and not an ounce of fat on him. Those short footy shorts made his legs look like they went up forever. Macca’s best mate, and vice captain, is another gorgeous twenty-one year old they call Digger.

I won’t bore you guys with any more team details, but let met just say that being in a locker room with twenty, twenty year old guys in footy gear or less gave me some jerk off material for when I would get home after training.

Yes, I am gay and I am out to my friends but I don’t wear it on my sleeve. When I’m single, nobody would know or have any reason to think I’m gay. My sexuality was not something I had advertised to my new footy team mates.

Our second game of the season was an away game (about an hours drive away) and my car was at the mechanics. It was no big deal, someone gave me a ride to the game and it was the skipper, Macca, who gave me a ride home, since he lived on my side of town (he still lives with his parents). I invited Macca in for a beer or a rumbo to thank him for giving me a ride and he said sure.

Being completely honest, while I had naughty thoughts, in the privacy of my own masturbation sessions, about my team mates, there was no way on the planet I would have the courage to make a move and none of the guys gave off the slightest hint of being gay. At the first two games there was a little entourage of the girlfriends. With that in mind, I purely asked Macca in for a drink to thank him for the ride home, and thanks for being nice, considering I’m one of the worst players in the team and they have made me feel welcome.

While I was getting some beer out of the fridge Macca noticed the spa (hottub/jacuzzi) in on my back patio. He asked if it works, I said hell yeah it does and I’ve been spending some time in it after pulling up sore from footy. Macca asked if he could jump in, hell yeah (my mind did a little cartwheel). I was more composed in my outward approval of letting Macca use the spa. Handing him a beer I told him I’d grab some towels and asked if he need any shorts? He replied that he was wearing DT’s (dick togs aka speedos) which would be fine. Yes, they would be fine Macca (I said in my head).

I have a thing for speedos, more for guys wearing speedos, hence why I’m a fan of the speedo blog. What has surprised me since coming back from London is the number of Aussie guys who are wearing DT’s/speedos. It seems like most of my footy team mates wear them as underwear when playing and there are younger guys wearing them at the beach which wasn’t the case when I was in my twenties.

Walking outside to the spa, Macca was already submerged up to his neck and I saw his team footy shorts and hoodie on the ground. I dropped my footy shorts to reveal my classic black speedo and jumped in.

Just a couple of footy team mates sitting in a spa, each wearing less than a handkerchief.

It wasn’t long until our beers were empty, Macca offered to get refills and I gladly accepted the view of his lithe body, dripping with water getting out of the spa, his ass looked like it was sculptured and just as hard as marble.

After our second beer, I said I was going to swap to rum and Macca asked if it was alright if he had one. It seemed like he might be in for a bit of a session and since he didn’t live far he could leave his car at my house and walk home.

We settled in for a bit of a session. Conversation flowed, every two drinks I got to soak in the eye candy that was Macca’s beautiful body getting out of my spa and the view of him walking in to the house. Nothing naughty was discussed, I was not hitting on Macca at all but knew that I would be picturing him when I jerked off, which I thought would be about two minutes after he left.

Then Macca dropped the hammer. Must have been the drinks that loosened him up and he finally asked me if I was gay.

Not the first person to ever ask me, but I was a little surprised because I thought I hadn’t shown any inkling of being gay. I asked him why he thought that? He replied that his best mate, Digger, thought so. Answering a question, with a question, I asked how did Digger know?

Another hammer drops… Digger goes a bit both ways, according to Macca. I admitted than I had no idea, my gaydar (gay radar) has never been any good.

Macca repeated his question, am I gay? Assuring me that it is no problem.

I admitted I am gay. Not in between, like Digger, but one hundred percent gay. Macca complimented me saying that he had no idea and I didn’t seem very gay, for me that is a compliment, probably not a compliment to most of the gay community. Macca wanted to continue questioning me about my gayness (his words, not mine), but I wanted to hear about Digger’s ‘gayness’. It wasn’t difficult to move the conversation in that direction, Macca (and I) were slowly getting a little tipsy.

Digger has a girlfriend, cute little blonde thing I have seen at footy training, so I asked Macca about that. Macca assured me that nobody knows Digger does gay things except him, and he declared that nobody but him knows that I am gay either.

It was during this part of the conversation that Macca dropped the hammer that Digger has blown him in the past.

Being playful, I jested that maybe Macca is really gay as well. Nah mate, he replied. A mouth is a mouth right? Using his straight, slightly red neck reasoning, he told me that it makes sense that guys suck dick better than chicks since we know what feels good. And he knows, he has had a string of girlfriends who don’t really like sucking cock.

Now I started to think that maybe Macca was a little keen.

Being a little more frank than I usually would be (beer and Rum assisted) I asked Macca if he would like a blowjob? From a real expert.

Yeah why not, was Macca’s reply. Saying it as if he had nothing better to do, so why not get his cock sucked from his new team mate. I slid across the spa and said to Macca I’d just make sure he is warmed up. My right hand touched his right knee and I slid my hand up his thigh. Before I got to his cock he made me promise not to tell anyone. Of course, a mouth is just a mouth I assured him. My hand moved to the front of his speedo and to my surprise, he was rock hard.

With no need to warm him up, I suggest Macca sit on the edge of the spa. He slid out of the water and seeing his flat tummy, then his thin waist line and then his speedo with his cock straining against the lycra was a sight I will remember for a long time.

With Macca comfortable sitting on the side of the spa and with a drink in hand, I pulled his cock out the leg of his speedo.

A good length, uncut cock for me to feast on. My mouth went for his balls first and they were shaved smooth, he had a little stubble around the rest of his pubic area. I complimented him on this and he said his girlfriend made him keep it tidy. I will have to thank her next time I see her.

I was slowly stroking Macca’s cock while I sucked and licked his balls, Macca complimented my skills, but I was just get started.

Next, I slid my tongue up and down the full length of his cock, from balls to tip all the while looking up at him. Macca’s head was thrown back enjoying the pleasure. It reminded me of an old joke: only difference between a girl sucking you off and a guy, is when you look down.

One last lick all the way to the tip of Macca’s cock and my tongue slipped between his foreskin and the tip of his cock and began circling. Giving attention to this more sensitive area did get a response, an extra moan. After a little while, I pulled his foreskin down with my right hand, exposing the head of his cock and my mouth went in to suction mode. This got even more of a response from Macca. He told me several times how amazing it felt.

All this time, it had been at least five minutes, I had been taking it pretty slow. Not surprisingly, Macca finally begged me to make him cum.

Sure thing Captain.

My right hand started stroking Macca’s beautiful cock, my left hand went to his balls and just rubbed them gently and my throat took as much of his cock as I could, in synchro with my right hand stroking up and down. He quickly approached orgasm and was moaning loudly. I slowed my pace just a little extending his climax and when finally trust his hips out I buried his cock deep in my mouth and his load of sweet, sweet cum shot down my throat.

It was a big load and his hips spasmed maybe eight times. Ow to be twenty years old again.

Once Macca had calmed down I slipped his cock out of my mouth, looking up at him (he was now looking down at me) I ran my thumb along the lower side of his cock from balls to tip getting the last drop of man juice out of his cock. It oozed out the tip of his cock and with our eyes locked, I licked that last little bit up. Macca laughed and said again that guy do suck cock better.

There was no reciprocating, and I didn’t expect it. A few drinks later Macca headed home and I said he is more than welcome to use my spa (mouth).

A few days later, I was back at footy training and things were just like normal between Macca and I. Towards the end of training Digger (remember, Macca’s best friend who also sucks his cock), said to me discretely that he heard I have a spa. Would I mind if he dropped by after training….. happy to share the details of that session if you guys are interested.

Do you guys want to hear what happened next?  I am working on it I promise.

May 10th, 2024

Blown (again) in the Pool Change Rooms

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Hey guys, I’ve just sat down and written about an experience I had at the Valley (Fortitude Valley in Brisbane) pool on Sunday afternoon.  It was pretty darn hot!!!

If this blog was 100% public, I’m not sure I would share this experience.  At least I wouldn’t share it the day after.  This is to protect my privacy, as well as the privacy of those who were part of this experience (four of us in total).

Thankfully, this blog has a members area so I feel a little bit more comfortable sharing these intimate parts of my life.

If you aren’t a member, I hope you understand where I am coming from.  Down the track (at least 6 months), I might decide to share this publicly.  Or, you could become a member.

If you are a member, you shouldn’t be seeing this message.  Click here to login.

Speedo Shower Threesome

March 11th, 2024

Bisexual Threesome Memories

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This is an experience I had a few years ago while on holidays in New Zealand. I’ve dug it out of the archives and thought I would share it with you again. It has been far too long since I’ve joined a couple for a threesome but tomorrow I am going to hang out with Rachel and Taz. I thought I would dig up this old experience to get me in the mood.

I met the couple (husband and wife) online and a friend of mine from town knew them and recommended them. I spoke to them online before I arrived here and they seemed really keen and also rather experienced.

Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is ‘open minded’. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife asked if maybe we should head back to their place for another drink. It sounded good to me as I was getting a hard on in my jeans.

Their house/apartment was only a five minute walk from the bar.

When we walked in the husband went to the kitchen to make some drinks and the wife pushed me down onto the couch and we started making out. Our lips (and tongues) were locked until the husband came back with our drinks.

At this point the husband sat on the couch next to me and his wife got off my lap.

“Well Dave – you told us that you like bikinis and speedos. How about you guys get down to your speedos and I’ll go put on a bikini….”

While the wife left the husband and I did what we were told, we stripped down and it turns out we were both wearing a black speedo under our jeans (I had told them I’d be wearing speedos under my jeans before hand).

I was hard as a rock from making out with the wife and the husband was slowly getting there. It was pretty hot sitting on the couch next to a married guy, both in speedos, rubbing our cocks through the lycra waiting for his wife to join us.

It doesn’t take long until the wife returns. All she is wearing is a white bikini. She is petite, nice medium sized titties, shaved all over and brunette.

She notices straight away that I’m harder than her husband and getting on her knees between his legs starts rubbing the front of his speedo. First with her hands, then with her mouth.

After watching this amazingly hot sight, I decide that I should look after the wife. I needed to cool down a little bit as well. I get off the couch and lie on my back on the ground, I put my head between her legs, pulled her bikini aside and tasted her moist pussy. My attention to the wife’s pussy was met with a groan of pleasure from the wife and she started to grind her pussy on my face. I assumed that husbands cock was free of his speedo and wife was sucking hard on it.

After a little while husband told me that I could fuck his wife from behind if I wanted to. I was still super horny but I had cooled down a little bit and thought that I wouldn’t blow my load after two strokes so I grabbed a condom and got on my knees behind wife. Sure enough husbands speedo was pulled down and wife was sucking away on his now very hard cock. Wife’s pussy was well and truly wet from the attention my tongue had given it over the previous five minutes and my cock slid in easily and the groaning coming from wife’s cock filled mouth with every thrust of my cock indicated that she was enjoying having a cock in both ends.

Both husband and I were starting to get really hot and I know I was keen to hold off for a little while.

Thankfully husband had the same idea and suggested that we move upstairs into the bedroom.

So the three of us put our genitals back into our swimwear, took a deep breath and moved up stairs…..

Before getting on the bed, wife told husband and I to remove our speedos. Then the wife asked me to suck her husband off and with his approval I got to work. She was talking pretty dirty to the husband and after a little while I managed to make him cum. I let him unload into my mouth but instead of swallowing it I waited until the wife came and started kissing me.

From there things turned pretty hot between the wife and I. She and I were fucking each other pretty hard with the husband watching us and slowly stroking his cock back to hardness.

The wife noticed that I was getting pretty close so she broke it off, literally ripped the condom from my cock and started sucking me off. After a little while she told, or more like ordered, her husband to come over and help her out.

I was really close to start with and with the wife working my balls and the husband working my cock I told them I was about to cum. At this the wife put her hand on the back of her husbands head and told him to take my load in his mouth. He did a pretty good job and took all of my cum in his mouth. He pulled off my cock and the wife forced him to swallow my cum. When he proved to her that he had swallowed my cum she started kissing him. Then the two of them fucked each other stupid in front of me.

Husband and wife were really going for it and I was more than happy to watch their show.

It was really hot and I don’t think I softened that much at all after my blowjob. The husband flipped his wife over onto her knees and entered her from behind. He was really slamming her now and she was moaning. I was soooo turned on looking into her eyes as she was being fucked hard and I was stoking my cock really hard and getting close again. I started cumming again as I jerked off in front of this married couple and that sent them both over the edge.

Cummy Jerk Off

The end.

I got to play with that couple from New Zealand again after that first time and it was even better the second time around.

Wish me luck with my threesome tomorrow (it is a couple I have played with a fair bit) and let me know if you’d like me to share the details.

May 4th, 2023

Blowjob in Red AussieBums

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To celebrate my beach blowjob the other day, here is a little amateur blowjob footage for you guys (video is for members, but some screen shots for everyone else.).

I love those classic AussieBum’s, for those long time followers of mine you will remember my affiliation with the AussieBum Portseas (sadly haven’t been available for a few years now).

This is a beautiful, sensual blowjob from someone who looks like they has a passion for cock.  No porn style facial, just a spasming of the cock which is buried seem in his mouth.

I think I’m going to watch it once more right now, with my cock in my hand.

January 6th, 2023

Three Speedo Boys on the Beach

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Right now I am lucky enough to have two speedo friendly fuck buddies…. Matt who I met at the local pool and S (yeah that is what I call him) who is a fan of mine from Twitter.  These two guys couldn’t be more different.

Matt is an Aussie bloke, early thirties, who works in the mines so is home for two weeks, then away for two weeks.  He is broad shouldered, bronze tan although he is working on his speedo tan (right now it is a bit of a boardies tan), dirty blond, shoulder length hair that he has had to start wearing a swimming cap when doing swim training.  He isn’t ‘out’ and even had an on again, off again girlfriend.

S on the other hand is early twenties, moved to Australia from Japan in his mid teens.  He is a diver and I don’t think there is anyone who can make speedos look so good.  I’ve never had a fuck buddy who has a body as fit and tight.  S is out and proud, living in the city and sounds like a little gay slut, which I’m jealous of.

I’ve really only been hanging out with these guys for a few months.  I did tell both the guys about the other and they both sounded keen for maybe a three way catch up.  That got my mind thinking and I hatched a plan.  Half way between where S lives (city) and where Matt and I live (Sunshine Coast) there is an island where you can drive up the beach.  It is pretty and during the week there is usually nobody there so you can find a quiet stretch of sand dunes all to yourself.  Matt has a flash new red 4WD and knows that beach, S had never been up there but was keen so we made a date.

Nine am Wednesday morning Matt and I pulled in to the carpark area and S was there waiting for us.  He was wearing shorts but was shirtless, showing off his rippled stomach which got Matt’s attention.

Greeting all around, handshakes which I always think is funny.  Guys shaking hands in a formal greeting when they know full well that they are doing to be doing some incredibly intimate things to each other in the next few hours.  I tried to get S to sit in the front passenger seat but I couldn’t get it to happen.

We started driving on the track that leads to the beach and Matt pulled over to deflate the tyres.

Matt knew what he was doing and showed S and I what to do, this was S’s first time doing a 4WD trip on the beach.

Before getting back in the 4WD ute, Matt declared that this is a speedo day so he dropped his shorts.  S and I did the same and jumped back in.

S was wearing a classic black speedo that looked like it was spray painted on they were so tight.

Asian Guy in Black Speedos

Matt loves going through my speedo collection and earlier in the day he had picked out a pair of my Addicted brand speedos which have a zipper on each hip.  They are stripper speedos for sure.

Stripper Zipper Speedos

I was wearing my current favourite multi coloured Addicted brand speedos.

My Speedos

I had dreamed of getting three pairs of matching speedos for the day, something to look forward to next time.

From the carpark area there is a two kilometer drive down a sandy, rutted, track before hitting the beach.  It is slow going, bumpy and I had moved my hand over and was rubbing Matt’s cock and balls through the lycra of his speedo.  Otherwise, conversation flowed like three normal blokes going on a 4WD trip.

Matt’s cock got full hard quick and was straining to be freed.  There was a comment from Matt about the driver getting some benefits so I readjusted he my position, I slid the zipper on Matt’s left hip up and the front of his speedo just popped open.  The zipper/stripper speedos were kinda handy giving good access.

I bent over and went to work on Matt’s cock.  This was the first time I had ever performed fellatio on a guy while driving.  From memory a girl did it to me back when I was eighteen or nineteen, I am pretty sure I have better skills that she had back then.

Matt and S kept up a conversation while my lips and tongue slobbered over the head of Matt’s cock.  A couple of times he warned me of a bump coming up and I was surprised how the rough track/road didn’t really effect my technique.  I was working Matt’s cock but I wasn’t trying to make him cum.  After maybe ten minutes the road smoothed out and we were on the open beach.  Matt asked S if he wanted to drive (and get the driver benefits).  At first S declined saying he can’t drive a manual (stick for my North American readers), but Matt said it was the perfect place to learn.

The 4WD came to a stop and so did my blowjob.  Looking up at the beach for the first time it was beautiful, I think it is thirty kilometers of beautiful beach, could see two vehicles parked in the far distance and the water was blue and flat calm.

All three of us jumped out of the 4WD, Matt was trying to do up the zipper on his left hip but with his cock at full mast he had no hope.  He gave up, ditched them and put on a pair of my ADIDAS 3-stripe speedos.  I got a glimpse of the front of S’s speedo and he was hard as a cock as well.  S has mentioned to me in the past that he isn’t ‘hung’ but I think he is more than adequate and with such a tiny speedo, he was filling it out very nicely.

Matt handed everyone a beer and ordered me to the back seat.

S got in the drivers seat and had to pull the seat forward a little.  A little bit of coaching and S got us under way.  He didn’t even stall it.  Up in to fourth gear and S had us rolling along smoothly doing fifty.  Matt asked if S would like his ‘driver benefits’ now which S thought would be lovely.

I shuffled over trying to get a better view as Matt undid he seatbelt, undid the white drawstring on S’s speedos and popped his cock out the top of his speedo.  S shuffled his butt forward giving Matt better access, his speedos were tight so it took a bit of man handling but this wasn’t Matt’s first speedo blowjob and he managed.  He went to work on S’s cock.  I really didn’t have a very good view of what was going on.  S was enjoying it and put his hand on the back of Matt’s head, I told him he really should keep two hands on the wheel.

We passed two 4WD’s going in the opposite direction, S kept his game face on and waved.  Would have looked a little weird this hot young asian guy driving shirtless with nobody visible in the passenger seat but a shirtless guy (me) sitting in the back seat.  People can wonder.

S had told me how excited he was for the day and it was only five kilometers or so of receiving car head that he started approaching climax.  I wondered if Matt would take him over the edge or not, S gave him fair warning that he was getting close and if Matt kept doing ‘that’ with his tongue S would not be able to hold back.  S started moaning and the 4WD started slowing down.  Matt kept his lips around S’s cock and we slowed right down to under twenty kilometers per hour, if his orgasm lasted any longer S would have stalled the ute.

When S regained his composure, he downshifted and got us back up to speed.

Matt drank half his beer can and I congratulated him on taking the full load of S’s seed.  Usually Matt doesn’t take a load in the mouth, let alone swallow it all.  His excuse today was that he didn’t want to get cum on his car seats.

The next ten kilometers or so driving up the beach was one of the horniest times of my life.  Matt had one hand on S’s thigh, Matt had full boner, I had a full boner and the three of us were talking about sex.  At the northern end of the beach there are some camp sites, Matt knew the lay out of the land and we parked up about five kilometers short of the camp sites.  We really did have a lot of beach all to ourselves.  There was a 4WD parked up just in view to our south but it had to be a couple of thousand meters away and we couldn’t see anything to the north.  Matt directed S to park up in a spot that looked like it had some dunes for us to play in complete privacy (there were still 4WD’s driving past every now and then.

With fresh beers in hand, raging boners in our speedos, the three of us headed down to the water.  The tide was coming in and for the next six hours we would be stranded here.

For now, the rest of this is for members.

I love writing about, and sharing, my experiences.  There are some things that I need/like to keep discrete and the members area allows me to do that.  It is also membership fees that allow me to spend so much time on this blog and why there are no pop-up ads or crap like that.

November 9th, 2022

Spontaneous Erection at the Pool

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Over the last two weeks I’ve been trying to hookup with the Married Guy.  I haven’t seen him for ages!!!

If you are new to this blog, I’ve created a page explaining the history of some of my current fuck buddies.  You can read about how I met the Married Guy by clicking here or it is on the right hand navigation under “Fuck Buddies”.

So far the pool here are still closed which was how we would meet (and it is where we first met).  He has been super busy with work and since his wife and kids are home, I can imagine it is tricky for him to sneak out of the house for some gay sex with me.

Last year I wrote about one of our sessions at the pool and thought I’d share it again with you guys.

While I have never had a spontaneous ejaculation, I do get uncontrolled/unintended erections when wearing speedos.

Visible Penis Line

Last week I went to the pool and had arranged with the Married Guy to maybe hook up afterward in the change rooms. Usually I just wear jeans over my speedos and leave them near the edge of the pool but it was kind of drizzling rain so I went into the change rooms which are a little walk from the pool. There were a few people in the pool swimming laps, but otherwise no one around. I pulled down my jeans, I was wearing my black ADIDAS 3-stripe speedos under them. I grabbed my goggles and started walking to the pool.

By the time I walked the fifty meters from change rooms to the edge of the pool, I was ninety perfect erect! Just the feeling of wearing nothing but speedos, the feeling of being out in the open wearing very little is such a turn on for me. I didn’t waste anytime getting the water and as soon as I started swimming my cock calmed down a little bit.

Erection in Red Speedos

The Married Guy (you’ll have to read my blog to find out how we became fuck buddies) grabbed the lane next to me.  After swimming for nearly an hour the Married Guy and I walked back to the change rooms, he had a towel around his waist, I had nothing but my speedos and my growing cock. I’m not sure this erection counts as spontaneous as I knew exactly what we were about to get up to in the change rooms.

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Gay Blowjob with Married Guy

May 22nd, 2020
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